December 29, 2014
Susie Guyer
Filed Under:
Events, Culture

Giving Back

The holiday season is always a busy time of year, filled with shopping, planning, dinners with family and friends, and traveling.  A bustling season is familiar to most everyone and it is easy to get caught in the rush.  This year, FinishMaster teams across the country decided to step away from the hustle for a moment and participate in activities many of us do around the Holidays by giving back to the local community.

Throughout the year, our teams support their local community through charity golf outings, bowling tournaments, and food drives.

United Christmas Service

In December, our teams focused on making sure children and families in need had a bright holiday season. To kick-off the season, FinishMaster’s Indianapolis home office partnered with the United Way - United Christmas Service program; a partnership that has grown for over 10 years. The United Christmas Service program began in 1952 to help families in need during the holidays. The FinishMaster Indianapolis team collected enough food and gifts for two adopted families. They delivered an abundance of gifts, helping these families experience a regular Christmas they would not have had otherwise.

Toys for Tots

Every year, a Winter Leadership Meeting is held in Indianapolis with leaders from across the country.  For the first time, an “entrance fee” was added to one of the week’s events.  Each attendee brought one or more toys to donate to the Toys for Tots drive.  With more than 90 people attending the meeting, we were able to donate more than 100 toys. Toys for Tots is an organization that assists less fortunate children not only in Indiana, but throughout the United States, experience the joy of Christmas.


A Precious Child

We also want to say a huge Thank You to all of our branches and customers in Colorado who organized their own toy drive by partnering with A Precious Child, an organization that supports children year-round in Colorado. The children who benefit from A Precious Child donations come from underprivileged backgrounds.

These toy and gift drives have an impact that goes beyond raising items for those in need. It provides an opportunity for those who are less fortunate to have more for their families during the Holidays. It also builds comradery and partnership between coworkers.