10Hp Tsunami Regenerative Dryer - Ultra Wall Mounted

Tsunami Regenerative Dryers use proprietary technology to regenerate system desiccant approximately every two minutes, resulting in premium air quality. Dryers are designed as complete packages & include pre-filtration, Moisture Minder automatic drains, a digital display, and mounting hardware. Systems can be configured in multiple variations allowing for the pre-filtration to be installed on the left or right side of the unit. Dual inlet/outlet ports allow for bypass of the dryer where breathing air is required.

  • Low Relative Humidity - Down to .01% RH
  • Dew Points down to -80 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Easy, low-cost maintenance - Under $100/yr average
  • Includes Tsunami Water Separator & Oil Coalescing pre-filtration with automatic drains
  • Digital display alerts when filter service is required