July 01, 2015
Mark Nagy
Filed Under:
Events, Culture

Giving Back in Kalamazoo

FinishMaster introduced Give Back Day early this year, an opportunity for all of our team members to “Leave It Better Than We Found It” and give back to their community. Many of our team members have shared stories about their experiences giving back, like the one we shared in a previous blog post

On Saturday, June 6th, the Kalamazoo, Michigan team gathered together and gave back to their community in a big way.  They spent a day helping a family improve their housing conditions through Habitat for Humanity.

In total, 10 FinishMaster team members and 11 family members helped install roof trusses, glue Styrofoam insulation around the base of the home, and add a coat of stucco. They even had time to sheet and roof a storage shed.

The weather was perfect, and the teamwork and fellowship were tremendous. The folks who participated left knowing they had put in a good days work to help a young lady and her family.

Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1976 and since then they have helped to build over a million homes and serve more than 5 million people worldwide. To find out how you can get involved visit Habitat for Humanity.